Hi Kath ---

I don't have a toothpaste to recommend, but I'll pass along what my
hygienist told me back when I had sensitive teeth: avoid acidic foods.
She said vinegar, lemon juice and the like will eat away at your tooth
enamel and make your teeth more sensitive.

There is hope, however: my teeth are way less sensitive now, and I can
actually see that my tooth enamel is thicker than before.  I think there
are two factors contributing to this improvement:  I'm now taking a good
calcium-magnesium  supplement (urged to do this by my naturopath), and
I'm no longer eating any of the offending foods (mostly basically grains
and legumes, but also raw foods high in oxalic acid (cooking neutralizes
it)) that seemed to be interfering with my absorption of calcium.

It might be worth doing some sort of evaluation (my naturopath used a
24-hour urine sample procedure) to make sure you are getting enough
calcium in your diet and, more importantly, absorbing and using it.
