[log in to unmask] writes:
 > "In modern times, obesity and leptin resistance appear to be the residue
 > of genetic variants that were more adaptive in our previous
 > environments," he says. "It may be that the obese carry the
 > 'hunter-gatherer' genes and the lean carry the 'Western' genes."

This is very interesting.  I would add that it's not necessarily only the
obese that could conceivably carry the "hunter-gatherer" genes, but also
those who gain weight easily but are not necessarily obese.  It is undeniable
that there are people who eat grains and sugars with abandon and simply do
not gain weight.  My old boss' husband was one of these types and it drove
her crazy that she was constantly trying to lose 40 pounds while he gorged on
fast food or lasagna with lots of rich desserts and was skinny as a rail (and
no, he did not have any kind of hyperthyroid condition ).  Also, his idea of
exercise was pushing the buttons on the TV remote control!