[log in to unmask] writes:
 > Well now, tell that to metastasized cancer.....  Oliva
 > ----- Original Message -----
 > From: "Dr Bernarr Zovluck" <[log in to unmask]>
 > Our disease is for our protective benefit.
Metastasis is the transfer of a disease-producing agency from the site of our
disease to another part of our bodies. Metastasis of cancer is also
similarly, a protective reaction of our inherent intelligence of our bodies,
to maintain homeostasis of our bodies. When our cancer exacerbates in a
particular part of our bodies, our inherent intelligence of our bodies,
reacts and protectively spreads our toxicity to our other weak bodily parts,
for life saving help.
Normally our four organs of detoxification, our kidneys, our large
intestines, our respiratory tract and our skin, detoxify our bodies, when we
are intoxicated. When our bodily intoxication is greater than our bodies can
presently detoxify, our toxins are retained in a weak area of our bodies. The
cancer is an attempt of our inherent intelligence, to temporarily encapsulate
our toxins in our bodies, until we choose to correct our self-destructive
lifestyles, thinking and spiritualities.
Our bodies always do the right thing. We are passengers on the train of life,
not the conductors. Since life began on earth, our God within, our inherent
intelligence within each cell of our bodies, has learned to make the optimum
adaptation and resolution, to any problem to which our bodies are subjected.
Whatever stresses our bodies presently have, our cells in our bodies have
successfully learned how to cope with such, previously. It is already built
into our genes, our chromosomes and our DNA. Our inherent intelligence, if it
chooses to produce cancer, it does so to protect us. This cancer or whatever
our pathology or symptomatology, helps us survive, despite our
self-destructive lifestyle, thinking and spirituality. Our cancer is for our
protective benefit.
Our cancer will spontaneously heal, when the cause and need for our inherent
intelligence, to produce cancer, no longer exists.
                                                 CANCER PROTECTS US
Cancer, like all our bodily dysfunctions, is a protective reaction of our
inherent intelligence of our bodies, to maintain a homeostasis of our bodies.
This cancerous protective reaction, transpires in us, to help us optimumly
survive, despite our spiritual dysfunction, irrational thinking and
self-destructive lifestyles.
                               NEVER TREAT OR SUPPRESS OUR CANCERS
To assault us when we have cancer with any destructive, suppressive,
interfering treatment, can only make our health worse and cannot possibly
help heal us! Our cancer or whatever is our pathology, is always controlled
cell growth.
1. ENERVATION-Physical, mental and spiritual stresses overwhelm and exhaust
the vital energy of the living body so that the inherent intelligence, the
God within, cannot homeostatically function systemically.
2. TOXEMIA-The inherent intelligence in the systemic bodily cells because it
is exhausted, is unable to adequately excrete metabolic waste materials
through the various excretory organs.
The blood and systemic bodily cells become overloaded with uneliminated toxic
materials from dysfunctional metabolism.
3. IRRITATION-The systemic bodily cells, to homeostaticaly survive, unload
their respective toxicity at various points in the body. The inherent
intelligence, produces symptoms upon which we should concentrate, meditate
and feel until, we are asymptomatic.
4. INFLAMMATION-The sick area of the body always feels tense, rigid, taut,
stiff, tight and resistant to touch. The sick part of the body always feels
tense and rigid to palpation (examination by touch) because the healing
intelligence of the body, wants that sick part to physiologically rest and
remain immobile. The tense and rigid area of the body is spastic muscle. (A
spasm is an involuntary and abnormal muscular contraction.) The only parts of
our bodies of which we have volitional control are our skeletal (striated)
muscles, our skeletal muscles are extensions of our brain. In every
inflammation in the body, the healing intelligence of the body causes painful
and discomforting symptoms in that sick part to prevent the sick person,
foolishly, from trying to move the sick part. The healing intelligence of the
body is trying to, physiologically, rest that part.
The pain is coming from the nerves in the spastic muscle. Muscles and nerves
when they have a normal degree of vigor and tension are in "tone". Nerves
control muscles. When the healing intelligence of the body wants to
physiologically rest some sick part of the body, it overstimulates the nerves
connected to the sick body part. These overstimulated nerves cause the
skeletal muscles surrounding that sick body part to go into protective spasm
and therefore, immobilize that sick bodily part. It is impossible to have any
dysfunction or pathology in the body without there also being an existent,
protective muscle spasm over, adjacent to and surrounding the dysfunctional
bodily part.
5. ULCERATION-The inherent intelligence in the bodily cells, systemically, to
homeostatically detoxify and survive, creates ulcers as outlets for its
metabolic wastes. An ulcer is a break in the skin or mucous membranes, with
loss of surface tissue disintegration.
6. INDURATION-This a process of hardening by which the inherent intelligence,
in the bodily cells, systemically, to homeostatically survive, form tumors
via tough fibrotic scar tissue, to prevent the toxins from intoxicating
contiguous tissues. This is to encapsulate the toxic metabolic materials
within the respective bodily cells. This contains and quarantines the toxic
wastes within the dysfunctional bodily cells, seals off the bodily cells and
protectively prevents these metabolic wastes from intoxicating other bodily
7. CANCER-This is the final stage of this disease. The inherent intelligence
in the bodily cells systemically, is excessively stressed, is excessively
enervated and is unable to excrete its metabolic wastes.
                              3 BASIC TYPES OR CLASSIFICATIONS OF CANCER
CARCINOMA: Carcinomas comprise 90% of all cancers. These malignant tumors
arise from covering membranes (skin, lungs, bladder, various ducts, etc.).
These are epithelial malignant tumors.
SARCOMA: Sarcomas comprise 5% of all malignancies and arise from supportive
tissues such as bone, joint tissues, muscle, fat and cartilage.
MISCELLANEOUS CANCERS: These malignancies complete the remaining 5% of all
malignancies and include highly individualized special cell malignancies such
as: the leukemias, lymphomas, brain cancers and other central nervous system
malignant tumors.
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