>And the organs and bone marrow are highly unsaturated which >balances
things back out.
not really, as at least in a fat beast the amount of total fat is dominated
by the subcutaneous fat.

 >Fish (especially cold water fish) fat is highly unsaturated for >your very
own argument that saturated fats are more inclined >to form solids.
let's be more accurate: fish oils are about 1:1 in PUFA:SFA.
salmon fat will be obviously more SFA.  blubber is about 2:1 SFA:PUFA.

 >So if paleo man was a big fish eater, their diet would be even >more
unsaturated than you would have us believe.

the quantities of DHA/EPA were definitely much more than in modern diet.
maybe 15-20 grams in coastal dwelling tribes.

I'm contesting that the diets were *low* in SFA. if they had good supplies
of fat, they had considerable supplies of SFA. if they didnt have good
supplies of fat, they starved [rabbit or otherwise]. I'll go for the
well-fed model and i can only applaud Gregg for giving the rabbit model a
