Definitely one has to wonder how and why Gambians deserve to have an ignorant person like yaya jammeh as president. A wonderful country like the Gambia needs a leader who could lead our country with common sense, knowledge, experience, honesty, consciousness, humbleness, and all those good human qualities, into a better and brighter future. But unfortunately for us this incompetent lacks all this as a leader. He does not have the ordinary capability to lead, period.

Sometimes i wonder if it could be right and matured enough to ask oneself what wrong we as Gambians have done to God to deserve this? Actually sometimes i ask myself this question, because really, having this loose guy as the person presiding over the affairs of our country only tantamount to a God-sent punishment to Gambians. With our continuous struggle, May God Almighty help us save and free our country once and for all from this evil regim. 

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