
The unedited e-mail below came from a source in The Gambia.

Ebrima Ceesay
Dakar, Sénégal


>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: No need to Back-Slide Yahya, Carry on Insulting our Parents
>Date: Fri, 07 Feb 2003 17:53:58 +0000
>I told you a few days ago that Jammeh's insults of our father, grand
>fathers and elders have not been taken lightly by Gambians.  His little
>support and symphathy of the people have dwindled further by his rude and
>uncouth behaviour toward our elders displayed during his meet the people
>tour.  All his nonsense talk in Bakau yesterday about not coming to Bakau
>to insult them is a bunch of hugwash.  Just like the turnout throughout his
>tour, Bakau also stayed home.  This tour would have humbling to any
>sensible man. To shameless Jammeh, it only serves to remind him that the
>Bakau, he loves to hate, is home to his guardian (NOT MOTHER)for the last
>twenty years.  You see, Coach, Gambians do not know who Jammeh's mother is.
>  We do not know who his father is.  So that is why he insult OUR fathers,
>mothers and grandparents because we have them around us and are able to
>share our pain inflicted on us by Yahya Jammeh and corrupt and inept
>collaborators by presiding over the worst economic crisis The Gambia has
>ever experienced.
>Jammeh's days are indeed numbered.

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