
The unedited e-mail below came from a source in the Gambia


>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Illegal voters in Gambian elections continue to be prosecuted
>Date: Fri, 07 Feb 2003 19:42:37 +0000
>You recall that immediately following the Presidential elections of 2001
>when thousands of Senegalese, mainly from the Regions of Cassamance and
>Sine Saloum, voted in the Gambian presidential elections, many returning to
>Senegal were apprehended in Selete and Karang and prosecuted by the
>Senegalese authorities.  Well, Senegal has continued to apprehend and
>prosecute any of her nationals found to have participated in the Jammeh and
>APRC-engineered, supported and financed scheme.  Further hearings of newly
>apprehended culprits are scheduled in Kaolack, Zinquinchor and Dakar.  The
>Gambian press will be provided with details so that they can cover current
>and future hearings. The Gambian press is being invited to contact the
>Senegalese authorities for the dates and venue of these hearings.  It is
>being covered by the international press. So why can't our local press,
>including the Daily Observer, which is now moving away from its blind
>support of Jammeh and his incompetent pack of criminals.
>It will be of interest to your readership, the local press and the
>Opposition that several illegal voters have already been prosecuted and
>convicted in Kaolack, Zinquinchor, Diuoloulou and Dakar.  Further
>presecutions are currently in progress in Bignona and several locatities in
>Senegal.  These ill-advised voters were enticed into their present
>predicament by Yahya Jammeh and his corrupt hentchmen with MONEY, MONEY,
>MONEY. Thanks to Yahya Jammeh and his corrupt and inept hentchmen, these
>illegal voters are not only receiving jail sentences but some run the risk
>of loosing their Senegalese citizenship as well.
>Stern warnings have been issued to future Senegalese scam-voters that
>future Gambian elections will monitored ever-more closely and
>unscrupoulosly.  Anybody caught in the act will be dealt with in accordance
>with Senegalese law.  Senegal is protecting its sterling image in the
>international community as the bastion of political stability, democracy
>and progress. Now it is the turn of the Gambian Opposition to prevent such
>illegal registration and voting
>in future Gambian elections.

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