lord knows what satilites and computers can do together.

-----Original Message-----
From: BG Greer, PhD
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: 2/28/2003 12:24 AM
Subject: Re: the anti war march in san fran

In a message dated 2/27/2003 9:33:15 PM Central Standard Time,
[log in to unmask] writes:

> The
> 1:45 was the paper's estimate for highest crowd, but as I said before,
> march was delayed for an hour and so, the highest time would probably
> been at 2:30.

Does the Chronicle have better satellites than the gov.? Maybe George W.
should use their resource in Iraq and N. Korea. If satellittes can read
cdigarette pack on a parking lot (they were doing that 30 years ago). I
they could count people in a march. 30 years ago, they knew exactly how
bushels of wheat Russia had before Carter made the trade, according to
brother in law, who monitored and refitted spy satellites. Imagine the
technology we have now. This may also be what
GWB knows about Iraqs WMD's and does not want to disclose.
