Thank you for the web site. My daughter's school was just talking today
about setting up emergency kits at the school. I will pass the site address
on to them.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kat" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Friday, February 21, 2003 2:05 PM
Subject: A Sad Week...

> This has been a sad week...
> -- A major snowstorm that has caused 50 deaths (I think it's around 50,
someone correct me if I'm wrong).
> -- The stampede in the  nightclub in Chicago.
> -- The botched heart-lung transplant for Jesica Santillan; as all but
hermits know, she got a second transplant but has suffered irreverible brain
> -- The fire in the nightclub in Rhode Island, caused by an illegal
pyrotechnic show that set fire to the soundproofing material
> -- The explosion at the petroleum storage facility in Staten Island.
> The last three could have been prevented by common sense or proper
safeguards, and I'm sure the same could have been said for the deaths due to
the storm, too.
> On a slightly more reassuring (!) note, the government has put up a
website for making yourself ready for enemy attack - and there is a section
for those with disabilities:
> I'm sure Kyle knows more about this sort of thing than most of us do.
> Kat