I know the first campus has what you're looking for, from personal
experience.  Champaign-Urbana is very accessible as well.  The campus, I
think, is in town for the most part, and there are curb cuts everywhere.
I think the campus is one of the most barrier-free campuses anywhere.

From the Advocacy Listserve, I know there's been problems with Ohio
State's accessibility, and I'm not sure about Indiana University.  I
hope you do get into U. of Ill. Because I think you'll be happier there
than at any other school.

-----Original Message-----
From: St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List
[mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Jan Nottmeier
Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2003 12:43 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Campus Accessibility

I am wanting Universities with out hilly terrain.  I am looking for flat
campuses.  I have applied to the following universities:  If you think
universities listed below would be a problem to maneuver please tell me.

1.  University of Illinois, Urbana-

2.  Ohio State University at Columbus

3.  Indiana U., Bloomington

If I call the schools I am afraid I would only get the run around, only
  the good side.  If any of you could provide me with a list of
schools with good academic standards I would appreciate it.  I plan to
in English.

I am not worried that much about going out of state.

My dream is to got to Urbana and I hope it works out, but I just want a
up plan.