
I completely agree with you on the website idea!! It would be a great way
for people to look up any negative or positive feedback on a potential
doctor given by actual patients.  Of course, there would probably be some
ridiculous legal issues on it.

When my son was having diarrhea all the time (along with some other
symptoms), his pediatrician wasn't concerned at all.  He kept telling me
that since his weight gain was fine there was nothing to worry about.  I
finally got fed up and actually yelled at him to do something.  That sure
got his butt in gear.  Shortly after we found out he is dairy allergic
(through one simple test!).  What a waste of my time it was to ask the doc
over and over again if there could be a problem.  I pretty much diagnosed my
own lactose intolerance myself - again my doc wasn't much help.  I have gone
from gp to gp trying to find one that actually listens to their patients.  I
still haven't found one.  I have much better luck with specialists - like my
gastroenterologist, he's fantastic!

Anyway, I hope everyone has a great weekend!  Debby