Hi Howard.  Congrads on the R5, as it is A great antena.  I wish I had
never gotten rid of mine.  It does not need radials and the coax length
is not criticle as it feeds a 50 ohm load.  I never made any adjustments
to mine, just set it according to the directions, and put tape on each
section to mark the spot, when I took it apart.  Ibought it when I still
lived in Michigan, took it apart and moved out here to Arizona, and took
it apart again when I moved to my own qth, after I was here a month and
it worked fine.  The thing I like best about that antena is that it
actually exibits some gain on 10 meters, unlike many multi-band
virticals, that trap off most of the antena on ten, so you are using the
bottom eight feet or so.  There are no traps in the R5.


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