Hello, I want to post an intro before I ask some important questions.  My
dh Scott, dd Sierra (2.75 yo) and I live in eastern WA.  We moved here from
Santa Cruz, CA about 1.5 years ago to buy a house with a tiny bit of land.
We raise ducks for eggs and meat and (I know it isn't paleo) nubian dairy
goats to obtain raw milk.  My daughter and I don't really consume any of
the dairy, except for fairly rare occasions.  Anyway, I am now 28 weeks
pregnant.  This is my first "paleo pregnancy".  I have had almost zero
nausea and heartburn, which were fairly severe with my first pregnancy.  I
was put on anti-nausea meds with my first pregnancy and the nausea lasted
the full nine months.  So, I am seeing some positive differences.  I have
some fairly serious concerns that have arisen recently about the paleo diet
during pregnancy, but I will post them separately.

Anyway, we have been 100%ish raw foodists in the past, about a year or so
ago, but had trouble obtaining not previously frozen grass-finished beef or
any other decent meat and ended up, it seemed, eating too much fruit.
Anyway, I find it easier and more appealing to eat the previously frozen
meat slightly cooked but still like to eat the organ meats raw.  I can't
stand the grey color and weird smell of cooked organs.  So anyway, we now
cook a substantial amount of our food.  We would not have tried any of
these dietary changes and most likely would have ended up vegetarians (It
is hard not to be a vegetarian in Santa Cruz), if it had not been for my
daughter Sierra and her colic, which ended up being a gluten/heated casein,
among other food sensitivities, problem.  So thanks to her, we stumbled
upon gluten/casein free diet, raw paleo, and Weston Price info and have
seen some improvements in some previous health issues.

I look forward to participating on this list and (hopefully) getting some

Rebekah Fechner-Jones