Hi -

I maintain a website which is full of very practical information on how
to keep milk out of your diet.  It includes beginner's menus, shopping
tips, and lots of other information.  It also contains links to other
excellent no-milk websites and lists some books that I've found helpful.

Switching to a milk-free diet can be challenging when you start out, but
it becomes very straightforward when you get used to it.

Do continue to ask questions of this list when you need to.  We're all
pretty good at this milk-free business.

--Beth Kevles
  [log in to unmask]
  http://web.mit.edu/kevles/www/nomilk.html -- a page for the milk-allergic
  Disclaimer:  Nothing in this message should be construed as medical
  advice.  Please consult with your own medical practicioner.