Do you know of any posters or 2003 wall calendars, suitable for display in
my office, which exemplify human evolution?  I don't want anything too
subtle (such as a mother and child painting which depicts human bonding,
nurturing etc) as I want to use the display to stimulate interest and
discussion.  There is the product range, including their
2003 calendar - but I don't want to have my nose punched in:


I was thinking more of reproductions of cave art from southern France and
Spain, or maybe a reasonably up to date chart of human evolution.

Another good idea is a human skull replica from


however, they are _so_ good, I can just see them being pinched!

I've posted this on the Paleofood discussion list as well, as they have
more subscribers and I wanted maximum coverage.  My apologies
to those who received this twice.


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