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KEith wrote,
   >Does any one know of a website where cheet-sheets or quick guides
   >for blind access for ham rigs, scanners and so on  have been
   >collected, which may be downloaded or copied and pasted, or
   >obtained in some matter. If none exist, I am thinking of starting
   >one. What do you think?

Like that idea, and here's a couple of suggestions.
FIles as ascii text, everybody can read those.
Also a way to grab them via ftp.  FOlks who might not have time to
play with the world wide wait can ftp them along with their mail or
send their automated ftp client after the file they want.

I think George Fanjoy up in Canada has something like thos going, and
maybe he'll chime in here or talk with you more about it.

73 de nf5b

Richard Webb

Electric Spider Productions

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

--- Benjamin Franklin November 1755