Compaq Presario: 750 Mhz, 512Mb, Win98SE, 48X CD, 16X10X40 Pacific Digital CDRW, 40GB.

This seems strange.  After installing a new 40GB HD, loaded Win98SE, installed NTI CD-Maker 2000
Standard (v.4.2.66 bundled with the RW).  Both CD's play music and function normally.

When trying to copy a CD from 48X to the RW, Data copies fine BUT music locks up the program just
after beginning to copy music to image file.  I can copy a music CD from the RW to the RW without a
problem -- it does the same process of copying from the source CD to an image file and then to the
target CD as when using two CD drives.  Yes, copies data from one CD to the RWCD successfully but
not music.



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