Is there a particular reason you want to do this from the command line?

If you have Winzip installed, then just select the folder with a left mouse
click. Then right click, and using the context menu that appears select
...Winzip.... Add to zip file... Winzip will load and present you with a
path / file name box. Type in
and click OK. Winzip will zip and write the file to the floppy. If the zip
file is too big then Winzip will span the file across multiple floppies.

If you must do this from the command line, then you will need to use
PKZIP25.exe, which is shareware,  within a DOS Window, while running some
version of windows in a 32 bit environment. This will support long file
names. If you were to use the old 16 bit pkzip.exe then your long file
names would be truncated.

Then specify your folder
pkzip25 -add -dir c:\windows\temp\ c:\path to my folder

Then you will need to write an if then statement that specifies that
  IF the zip file is under the size of the floppy, then copy it to your A:
drive ..or zip drive.... and if it is over the size of the floppy, or the
zip drive, THEN cancel the operation and put up a error message.

How exactly you do this will depend on what exactly what you are trying to
do, and with what you are trying to do it with.

The NOSPIN Group

At 05:29 PM 12/23/2002 +0600, you wrote:
>I shall be thankful if someone would send to me a batch file that would
>zip the files in a folder using a zip program such as winzip, and then
>if possible save the zipped file to a floppy.
>                    Siva Lokanathan

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