> I don't know much about cattle ranching, but I work with a lady who lives
on a ranch.  I asked her a long time ago what she feeds her cattle - grass.
Now, they don't raise these cows and then slaughter them, they raise them
and then sell them to dairies, slaughterhouses or as studs.  However, I
found it VERY interesting that she told me that they feed their cattle
nothing but hay and let them graze on grass because it's CHEAPER than grain.

In the USA, calving operations feed grass. Calving operations are still
largely small, mom and pop businesses. The calves are then fattened at
feedlots that use grain prior to slaughter and use antibiotics and so forth.
The feedlots are large scale businesses.

In the winter time, of course, in many parts of the country wintering
animals receive grain.
