
Here, a community hospital is a "not for profit" institution that serves the
community at-large, regardless of the ability of the patient to pay.  In
general, the quality (and quantity) of services can't match the "for profit"
hospitals.  Many of these hospitals are funded by a tax or bond base, and
are managed by an oversight board of government and civic leaders.  At least
that's the way it is here.  I would do some 'net research, if I were you.


-----Original Message-----
From: Anthony Arnold [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Monday, December 30, 2002 1:15 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Different question


I have a question I feel some of you can explain to me.  I live in a
town with a hospital that they say is "community owned".  Earlier in
December, they announced 5 programs are getting discontinued this coming
March.  Two of the programs are programs I either use or have before, so
we will form our group now after the holidays to keep some of the
programs alive.  Employees of the programs would like to have another
woman with CP and I to be the main people leading the effort because of
our success stories.  In preparing what I want to say and what direction
I want to lead this group.  I'm wondering what a "community owned
hospital" actually means?  To me, it would mean the people of the
surrounding area would get to vote on the management of the hospital.

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