Hello nospin group,
I have a gateway pentium 90 with intel 586 pci motherboard. The
panasonic floppy quit reading suddenly. In device manager says it
is working properly.

Also have a Dell Dimension 4400 with home XP so thought I could
switch drives and see if it might be a cable. Put the floppy from the
Dell into the gateway and it was the same. Put the drive from the
gateway into the Dell and XP wanted to format the disk then after
clicking on format it said it could not format it.

Put the Dell floppy back into the Dell and now it does not read a
disk. The plugs on the Dell can only go one way. The ribbon on the
gateway could be install wrong.

Now I have two floppy drives that do not work.
Help Please  what is happening??
Thank you

Art Allen
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