Good Day Fellow PCBUILD Listers,
I have an ibm pc300 gl tower pc (m/t 6287-41U) which has served me
faithfully for @5 years, it's p2 350, 64mb ram, 6gb harddrive, onboard sound
- not bad for email, light internet use and ms office 97 applications, runs
win98.  Recently it stopped powering on.  When I try to turn it on I don't
get any response from the pc whatsoever, the power supply fan doesn't even
spin when the unit is powered on.  I've checked the power cables and they
work fine with other pc's, I've taken the hd & cd drive and placed them in
another computer and they work fine as well so I know these components
aren't damaged.  I sometimes hear a very low clicking or ticking sound for a
few seconds when I attempt to turn the pc on but it doesn't last long enough
to determine where it's coming from.  I know I really haven't provided
enough info here to make an accurate guess but I would appreciate any
guesses as to whether you think it's a power supply or motherboard issue.
I'm thinking it's a power supply issue, if it was a motherboard issue the
unit would probably still power up but spit up several errors during the
power up process.  The unit is no longer under warranty and I'm wondering if
it is a power supply issue if it would be an expensive fix or not.  I don't
want to change the existing tower casing but if I have to get a new one to
replace the power supply then that's fine. I have other pc's so this pc
isn't crucial but like I said earlier it did a good job for what I used it
for. Any suggestions/comments would be appreciated.   Thanks....rob,wpg

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