((Thanks so much for the information Laura.  Could you tell us what positive
changes you've experienced health-wise since adapting your paleo diet to a
fast oxidizer (high purine) type regime?  Also, do you have any opinions as
to the licensing board problems encountered by William Donald Kelley, one of
the pioneers in metabolic typing theory?Adrienne))

I noticed that all my previous replies were posted without the original text I
was replying to. Sorry folks, I'm writing from my parent's house where the
email is unfamiliar, and somewhat archaic.

By following the fast oxidizer approach, all of my body systems work better -
good energy, even weight, moods, no joint pain. If I ate the slow oxidizer
foods I would have lousy energy, gain weight, be moody, and have joint pain.
The biggest indicator is energy - I'm hungry immediately after slow oxidizer

I have no opinion on Kelley. I do not follow his line of work in Metabolic
typing. I follow McFerran and Kristal, who are both my teachers and friends,
and who both follow the traditions of Watson and Wiley. I know very little
about Kelley, sorry.
