I recently added an external, USB2.0, 120GB HD to my P4 (runnung Windows XP Home Ed.)for back-ups and music files.  The internal primary drive is an 80GB drive partitioned into approx. 3 equal partitions.  Also installed are a DVD and CD-RW drives.  The installation went smoothly and the new drive was identified as drive H.  I then made my first complete back-up of the C, D, and E partitions of the primary drive using "Backup My PC"   Sometime later, I don't know when or what caused it, in Windows Explorer the external drive became identified as "Removeable Drive H" when I click on this "H" drive a message in the right hand panel of Explorer says, "insert disk in drive."  I am now unable to view the contents of my external drive or add any files to it.
I also have Norton SystemWorks installed and Norton's Speed Disk, System Doctor and Disk Doctor now identify the external drive as Drive "I" not Drive "H" as originally done.  I am at a loss.
Dwight Thornton

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