Culled from Allafrica:

It is interesting how our people continually run from the fox to the wolf to
take care of the contineous price rise.  They expect to curb inflation by
running to the same dude that created the environment that created the
inflation in the first place.  This administration does not know what they
are doing if it were to hit them in the face.  Characteristic of our
attitudes, we would just plead and plead and do some more pleading.
Blackouts rendering their electric appliances useless, they plead to Yaya.
Farmers not paid, they plead to Yaya.  Teachers not paid, they plead to
Yaya.  No medicines in the hospitals that Yaya "built", they plead to Yaya.
Can't afford basic commodities, they still plead to Yaya.  On and on like a
broken record.  As long as we behave or have this attitude that yaya is the
owner of the country a lot of missery is in store for us.  Why don't we just
have a monachy while we are at it.  For we have no use of the other branches
of government.  As long as we stay at home and complain, we shall forever
pay high prices.  For seven years and counting folks have advised this lot
about the need to boost the productive base of our economy but they still
have their head in the sand.  In the midst of the chaos they created, the
wise fellow says "Free Education for Girls", and everyone thanked him and
praise his wisdom.  Mean while the prices of the bare basics keep rising and
every commodity beyound their means; can't afford the medication in your
sick bed, that is if it is even available, etc.  Folks, this is called an
economic meltdown and ignorance of basic economic principles is not and will
not be an excuse to escape the mess we're in.  Ramadan will come and go and
another one and anoter one and our situation will not change.  Same problem
(inept leadership), different day.  please read on.

Chi Jaama

Joe Sambou

As Ramadan Approaches Price of Basic Commodities Still Hiking

The Daily Observer (Banjul)

November 5, 2002
Posted to the web November 5, 2002

Sunkary Sanjo

It is a tradition in The Gambia that every year when Ramadan approaches, the
price of basic commodity like rice, sugar, oil, etc are reduced to the
barest minimum so that every Gambian will be able to afford them. But this
year, the circumstances speak differently. According to opinion poll
conducted by our reporter the price of basic commodities still remain
sky-rocketing as Ramadan approaches.

Stergas Herve Artant, a Lebanese businessman in The Gambia told our reporter
that they have no desire to trade at the present prices but that because of
market forces, they are obliged to do so.

"Gambians should realise that the high price of commodities in the country
is not caused by the local businessmen but by the weakness of the Dalasi
against major international currencies.

"The foreign exchange rates have gone up. Our desire is to make all people
able to afford what we are selling and not to victimise them." Fatou
Drammeh, a resident of Bakau lamented that the government should intervene
and help to tackle the problem because the Ramadan starts soon and prices
are still sky-rocketing.

"We are poor and we do find it extremely difficult to buy a bag of rice
which now costs D270. We are indeed appealing to the Jammeh administration
to come to our aid," she added.

Meanwhile, Gambians from the length and breadth of the country are
complaining of the high cost of basic commodities.

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