certainly does. and definatly trying to take care of me. well, being a
political junkie, i'll be up watching the results of the days voting.

you all have a good night.

-----Original Message-----
From: Elizabeth H. Thiers
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: 11/5/2002 7:51 PM
Subject: Re: A Quiet  List! voting and a dog

I voted also, drove back from a housecall in Orlando, voted, stopped off
house/office then off to the netherreaches of Volusia county.
Ken, I think your dog has you trained <grin>

Beth T. the OT
Subject: Re: A Quiet List!

 well, i am on sick leave to resst my hands. so, i am not sitting at my
with outlook just in another window where i just flip in and out. i
have to sign in.
  now, my dog obviously, knows i am not supposed to be on very much. if
come into the room where the computer sits, she comes in and actually
until i get up and leave. can you believe that. i read sometimes, but i
not write much what with all the barking.

i did vote as i hope you all did.

-----Original Message-----
From: Meir Weiss
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: 11/5/2002 9:40 AM
Subject: Re: A Quiet  List!


They done voting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They'll be back soon


M  from kanukistan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That twit is a HOOT

(can't remember his name )

-----Original Message-----
From: St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List
[mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Kathy Salkin
Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 09:25
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: A Quiet List!

Where are you, Kyle? Ken?  Bobby? Mag? Bob?

Well, today's Election Day - get out there and exercise your right as
American citizens to vote! I already did. :-)
