<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I was recently told by my doctor that I tested positive for antibodies to
gliadin and that I need to go on a gluten-free diet.  The doctor gave me
little additional information (don't eat grains other than corn and rice).
She said she would refer me to a GI specialist for a biopsy if I wanted one.
  I did not know the importance of the biopsy until I found the CDF website
later (i.e., that the anti-gliadin antibody test is not conclusive, if I
understand correctly).  The only doctor that is available under my health
plan cannot see me until Dec. 23, approximately 3 months from the date of
tentative diagnosis.  I started the GF diet right away and suspect that I
might test negative on biopsies or additional antibody panels after 3 months
on the GF diet, regardless of whether I have CD.  Does anyone know how long
I have before I will test negative?  One company told me you have to consume
gluten for 3-6 months to test positive on antibodies.  I got the brochure
from Prometheus (human tissue transglutaminase, anti-endomysial Ab,
anti-gliadin IgG and IgA, total serum IgA)-- is this the minimum panel that
is conclusive without biopsy?  I attempted to contact my doctor about this
and got the nurse, who clearly does not know much about CD. Obviously I
don't want to remain on a GF diet if celiac is not the problem, but also
don't want to remain sick for another two months by staying on a regular
diet just so I can be certain. I don't want to revert to a regular diet
months from now when they finally get around to helping me.  I explained
this to the doctor (via nurse), who told me (via nurse) that I don't need
any further tests and that I should just wait to see the specialist.
Explained time factor again to no avail.  The doctor told me it was up to me
if I wanted to stay on a GF diet until I see the specialist.  Tried to
contact the specialist, and still got a nurse who told me the doctor would
not do the biopsy on the first visit and could not really tell me what
course the doctor would take until my first visit.  Does anyone know any
doctors and health plans in my area that are more capable of dealing with
this situation?  I am extremely disappointed with my treatment and planning
to change health care providers ASAP. However, most HMOs won't cover
pre-existing conditions for 6 months, so it seems I have little choice for
now. BTW, I already found the celiac websites, food suppliers, etc.

Thank you,
Erin Snyder, State College, PA
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