<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

A couple of weeks ago I inquired about the connection
between short stature and celiac for information for
my cousin.  I received TONS of emails!!  Thanks to all
of you for your help.  I have given her all advice and
comments I received!  I don't even know how to begin
to summarize, so this will be long, but many of you
requested a summary!!

1.You probably already have lots of responses talking
about short stature and celiac.  It can be the only
symptom in some kids (my 7 year old - no other
symptoms.  Only tested because his little brother was
a classic celiac baby).  I have an article that talks
about muscular-skelatal symptoms of celiac such
asshort stature.  If you send your mailing address or
fax, I'd be glad to send it.

The really important thing about short stature in a
celiac child is that the gf diet must be started
before puberty.  Once the puberty growth spurt is
over, there is no opportunity to regain lost height.

My older son has gained at a greater rate of height
since going gf.  Never did the huge amount of catch up
we hoped for, but most definately  a strong

2.Dr. Alessio Fasano, Pediatric Gastroenterologist at
the University of  Maryland has studied children with
small stature. The following is a  direct quote from
him at a presentation to the Celiac Disease Foundation
membership in Los Angeles on May 19, 1995:

Another type of clinical presentation that should be
atypical is short stature. In Europe, reports have
been published which state that up to 20% of short
stature is due to celiac disease. At the University of
Maryland, we have a serum bank where 20 years of serum
samples are stored.  I took advantage of this serum
bank and had my colleagues pull samples from all those
children who were diagnosed with growth hormone
deficiency and who were followed in the growth failure
clinic. These serum samples were analyzed for IgG
anti-gliadin antibody. Their medical records were
examined to see what their growth pattern was. Two
populations were seen: 'good growers' and 'poor
growers.' The 'good growers' who responded well to
growth hormone therapy, all had antibody levels within
normal range. Among those who did not respond to
growth hormone, a large proportion had
high titers of anti-gliadin antibodies. Of those in
the high antibody group who consented to undergo small
intestinal biopsy, all were found  to have celiac
disease. Now, at the University of Maryland, children
admitted for growth failure are routinely tested for
anti-gliadin antibodies.

3. Please insist that your relatives be tested for
celiac prior to starting the growth hormone shots. I
don't have any articles to share with you, but my
coworker has celiac and has 3 children.  1 of the
children has extremely short stature and had been
through many many complicated tests to determine the
cause of her short stature.  When I found out that my
coworkers mother has celiac I talked her and her
daughter into getting tested and they both came up
positive.  The daughter (Anna) initially went through
a growing spurt after she went gluten free, but they
are having big compliance issues with her because
she's a teenager (13).

4. Short stature is a definite red flag,  My daughter
hadn't grown, was
anemic and had severe abdominal pain.  Been gf a
little over a year, grew 7 in. and gained 35 lbs.
Definitely should be tested for cd BEFORE getting
growth hormone shots, I've heard they can cause some
nasty things.

5. All I can tell you is that I have a daughter who
also had stomach  problems and short stature.  She did
not show symptoms such as diarhhea.......only nausea
and upset stomachs off and on throughout her
life.   She was diagnosed with celiac by accident when
she had an endoscope for supposed *reflux*  and her
doctor never suggested that might be her problem.  I
would suggest having the bloodwork done.  It's
simple and quick and would save a whole lot of

6. Our son was always very small though his brothers
were tall.  He was not diagnosed til he was 14 and at
that time he had lost valuable years of growth.
However when he went on a gf diet he did gain 7 inches
that next year. He might have been taller had he been
diagnosed earlier before the growth stage began
(according to his doctor.)  He is now 5 feet 9 inches
He has a brother 6 feet 3 inches, one 6 feet 1 inch,
one who is 17 and is 6 feet and another who is also 5
nine.  Who know whether being celiac was the reason or
whether his older brother who is short (and will not
be tested ) is also a celiac.  I believe the disease
stole some of his height due to the mal nourshing
aspect of it.  He really thrived once he went gluten

7.  That female dr. in Atlanta, I believe her name is
Cynthia Rudert.  She has information regarding short
stature being a possible sign of Celiac Disease.  I
heard her speak at a Celiac Annual Conference in
Atlanta.  There are many other "non-classic" symptoms
of Celiac and short stature was one of them.  Perhaps
you'd find that info in the archives on the Celiac
Sprue Assoc./USA website where they keep a lot of info
from past conferences.

8.  I have a daughter who is growth hormone deficient
and is being treated by the shots. I network with many
parents of such kids. Growth hormone deficiency is a
very serious thing since the entire body needs GH in
order to grow  properly. Bone strength is dependant on
proper levels of GH in the blood, so is muscle
strength. Untreated GH deficiency results in bone
problems including very early osteoporosis, lack of
proper room in the body for inner organs, increased
obesity from lack of muscle tone, heart problems,

I also have a Celiac daughter. Both girls are adopted
from different
countries so this is not a genetic family issue.

I realize that Celiac kids can have growth problems
but in three and a
half years of reading, networking with others, and
researching, I have
never found a Growth Hormone deficient child who is
such from Celiac or
who has the symptoms of Celiac Disease until I got on
this list. What I
am trying to say is that there can be many causes of
GHD and many
hormonal and physical problems that can inhibit the
bodies ability to
use the GH it produces. In the big picture of the many
growth hormone
contributing factors I believe that Celiac, as the
root of Growth
Hormone Deficiency, especially in the absence of
Celiac symptoms, is probably not too common. Unless
this child has celiac symptoms there is no reason to
suspect celiac disease and great danger in putting off
the shots. In order for the shots to work the best
they need to be started as young
as possible. The misunderstanding about Growth Hormone
is when people
think it's just a "short" issue and this is common.
Being short is the least of the medical problems the
GH deficient child faces. My growth deficient daughter
has never had any Celiac symptoms. This is the same
with all of her GH deficient friends.

9.  Failure to thrive (grow) is a very common
in --undiagnosed-- children with celiac disease.
I would highly recommend that this boy and mother, as
minimum,  both
get blood tests.    I was only five feet tall when I
graduated from
highschool.  Soon after highschool, because of a diet
change and other
circumstances,  I suddenly grew up to be 5' 11".   I
was not diagnosed
until I was in my fifties.    Simple blood tests
should  give a
clue.    That should be done --before--  that growth
hormone is
There are many research  papers that describe this
situation.   Dr.
Murray at the Mayo clinic published an excellent
article.    Going on
WebMD and search for celiac disease will also give
some guidance.

*Support summarization of posts, reply to the SENDER not the Celiac List*