In a message dated 10/30/2002 9:50:26 AM Eastern Standard Time, [log in to unmask] writes:

First, I congratulate you on your acquisition of a 20th Anniversary Mac. Thank you.  As noted it came from the Summit Mall, otherwise there's no way in hell I woulda gotten one considering the initial sales price of several grand or whatever the hell it was.  However, since all good things wind up at The Mall eventually, and I was there at the right time, and it looked interesting, here it is. You are wise to safeguard it from TLRs; in 50 years, it will be a
treasure worth more to them than a few computer games and gum wads
stuffed into the keyboard today. What could possibly worth more than one's children's short term destructive happiness? Be sure your will restricts them from using it or selling it before its full value is realized; if you can't
trust them, then will it to me. I'll take care of it for you. You are very kind to offer your services.

Now, you curmudgeonly atavistic throwback (one of my very favorite terms
dredged from the Department of Repetitive Redundancy Is that the same thing as redundant, repetitious and saying the same thing over and over and over again? Division): we are on the threshold of the 30th Anniversary Mac. How nice for us all. You need to get with the program. OSX oozes a sylvan lushness. I've seen it, and it looks pretty  neat,m alright. The Chicago font is gone. Dead. If it was on fire, I wouldn't piss on it.  History. Hie thee over to yon Apple Store and drive a machine with OSX. I've been running it exclusively at home for months now with no problems, only delight, and it's only going to get better. Ex-Cousin-In-Law Karen the Wealthy has one of those gigantic flat cookie sheet monitors that was about the coolest thing I ever saw.  But she doesn't shop at The Summit Mall-- she's so rich she can afford to buy new and retail, although with her connections I don't imagine she pays full price, either.
into work and using this PeeCee even more distasteful now than it ever
was. Of course, the Microsoft hegemony exists over there too, but at
least it is customizable unlike AOL hegemony. Sore Loser!


What means this HTH?  No doubt some secret MAC club equivalent to the Pinhead Salute.
