>"Additionally, wild animals typically have extremely low body fat >during
>most of the year and only have significant fat depots...

>This seems to get right at the heart (or the fatty thighs) of the Paleo
>food issue. Audette et. al maintain that h-g humans gorged on fat at
>every chance and, thus, fat should be our main food. But wild animals
>don't sit around in feed lots getting fat.

The wild animals still left, no.  But numerous, fattier species are now
extinct, some of which were hunted to extinction.  And I wonder - is Cordain
referring to meat only or meat and organs?  Hunter-gatherers eat organs,
too, something all but taboo today.  Sorry, but I can't imagine
hunter-gatherers dining only on lean cuts of meat on a stick.  They ate it
all, flesh, organs, marrow - if it was edible, they ate it.


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