On Thu, 17 Oct 2002 08:35:29 -0500, Paleogal <[log in to unmask]>

>Hmmm.......  "feeling of abundance"   Amadeus, do you have any references
>this "feeling" you speak of....  I meant to ask the first time you brought
>it up and got side tracked.  Oliva

Well it's just a way to express, how I understood Elizabeths  description
how DIT worked.
increasing body heat, because protein intake was somewhat low, so that more
must be eaten to get enough protein, so that energy is to much to use.
Therefore body temperature can (or even must) be elevated.

This of course would only occur if the body isn't starving
(equally low protein and energy).
Therefore ther must be a che
ck against starving or not.
(abundance check).

My idea is that ketosis (basically a form of carbohydrate starving)
could prevent DIT.

