Fallon should have shut her big mouth. Her review has major factual errors,
and is highly prejudicial. Personally, I think disagreement is a great
thing that makes people think harder and brings progress. Usually I like
disagreement.This case however is an irrational tirade of no value to
anybody. It is the literary equivalent of "road rage".

Most of her criticisms are just not valid. Specifically, she accuses Prof
Cordain of not knowing how much saturated fat is in beef or buffalo- this
is something which he is an expert in, has been involved with for years and
has published studies in, including most recently
No-one knows more than Cordain that hunter gatherers prized fat

The claims about his not knowing about carbohydrate intake of "primitive"
people are ridiculous as the above reference  includes enormous amounts of
information about carbohydrate intake of modern hunter gatherers.

Her tirade about salt is unfounded- e.g. the Yanomano Indians of South
America are among many hunter gatherer tribes know to have very little salt
in the diet. Medical experts on salt generally agree that it has a multitude
of bad effects. Salt is major cause of hypertension, osteoporosis, gastric
cancer and other diseases.

As for her saying "the lean meat went to his dogs" this might be disputed by
Ian Billinghurst's "Give Your Dog a Bone" which indicates too much lean meat
is bad for dogs http://www.drianbillinghurst.com/

Fallon doesn't even realise that her tirade will turn away many people who
are "Paleo curious". She's done the paleolithic diet movement a great

Ben Balzer