Guys, the reason Terry wore that hat at the party wasn't because it looks good
on him, but because he's going bald and is rather self-conscious about it,
especially in a group full of college students.  I remind him that David
started going bald in college and he looks good even now, but no, Terry still
doesn't believe me.  Hence the silly hat.

Of course it doesn't help that Terry insists on wearing his hair long and in a
pony tail. :-p


On Thu, 17 Oct 2002 11:03:37 EDT "BG Greer, PhD" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Kat,
>     It's a nice pic. Like Ken, I don't think I
> look good in hats except the
> ones I buy at Walmart, like in the fishing pic.
> Thanks for keeping the site
> maintained.
> Bobby