I think you are being very practical.  You and your daughter need an
accessible kitchen. You might find it to your advantage to consult a
professional interior designer and discuss with her or him your plans.
As yours and Amber's needs take priority, get as much professional advice
as possible.  A good interior designer would take into account yours and
Amber's needs.  If any of your relatives possess a talent for interior
design, so much the better.  In any case, a good design consultant should
be sensitive to special needs.

On Tue, 15 Oct 2002 10:39:44 -0400 Trisha Cummings <[log in to unmask]>
>Greetings All,
>     I am in the process of redesigning the kitchen. Yesterday, they
>out the cabinets and walls - after they tore out the hanging cabinets
>thought the kitchen looked much larger and more airy. I am considering
>especially as I am only 4'' 10' and  not that mobile, and barely able
>lift my right arm up very high to reach - that perhaps just base
>all around might be nice, with maybe just one wall cabinet. I could
>use some
>input as to whether you think this would be practical? Do you think it
>make the house harder to sell?  While this would make the kitchen
>easier for
>Amber in the long run and I - do you think it would practical for
>others? Of
>course cost will and the insurnace company have some say - but I want
>draft it out and present it. Thoughts? Am I being totally stupid?

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