Greetings All,

     I am in the process of redesigning the kitchen. Yesterday, they tore
out the cabinets and walls - after they tore out the hanging cabinets I
thought the kitchen looked much larger and more airy. I am considering -
especially as I am only 4'' 10' and  not that mobile, and barely able to
lift my right arm up very high to reach - that perhaps just base cabinets
all around might be nice, with maybe just one wall cabinet. I could use some
input as to whether you think this would be practical? Do you think it would
make the house harder to sell?  While this would make the kitchen easier for
Amber in the long run and I - do you think it would practical for others? Of
course cost will and the insurnace company have some say - but I want to
draft it out and present it. Thoughts? Am I being totally stupid?
