I know there are those on this list who probably think I'm pretty
conservative, and I suppose I am, on the subject of the law and taking
responsibility for your actions.  I think society doesn't owe the individual
anything and the person has to make his own way and contribute to society for
the good of the community.

However I think we need to help those in need and the private community can't
do it on its own, and that's where the government needs to step in, in my
opinion. For example I was alarmed to read of a proposition on the ballot in
San Francisco to greatly cut subsidies to the homeless in the city.  I think
if that goes through, it'll just make a growing problem worse.  The number of
homeless in the streets is rising again due to the worsening economy and
shelters are feeling the strain.  I'm worried about what will happen to those

On Wed, 30 Oct 2002 10:20:01 -0500 "Cleveland, Kyle E."
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> IMO, Limbaugh does for conservatives what the
> televangelists have done for
> evangelical Christianity.  There may be nuggets
> of truth at the bottom of
> his bucket, but you have to go through five
> gallons of swill to get there.
> -Kyle
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kathy Salkin
> [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 9:29 AM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: Death Benefits? by Rush Limbaugh
> Thanks, Kyle, you expressed what I was thinking
> last night when I read the
> post.  I was too tired to respond, but I can
> tell you one thing - Limbaugh
> still has the ability to push my buttons after
> all these years.  Faugh!
> Kat