and i will not go there on universal sufferage in return.

-----Original Message-----
From: Deri James
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: 10/23/2002 8:17 PM
Subject: Re: another shooting

On Wednesday 23 Oct 2002 6:09 pm, you wrote:
> You know the founding fathers had a reason for the firearms clause in
> 2nd amendment. It was not to protect the rights of people to have a
gun to
> hunt, it was  not even to protect the right to have a gun to protect
> yourself from criminals (even though these are legitimate uses for
guns) it
> was put that so that the populance would have guns  to protect
> from,,,, GOVERNMENT.... OUR FOUNDING FATHERS assumed that a well armed
> populance would overthrow a government that got too oppressive.
> Amazing what you learen reading the writing of  the founders, is it
> surprize that an opressive government either limits what you can read
or in
> our case see to it that most people do not learn to read.

I'd have thought universal suffrage was the best defense against
government. Arming the populace seems to me to be an  excellent recipe
empower extremist groups. I shan't even get onto the negative aspects of
having a written constitution in the first place. ;-)

