Roots & Shoots Service Club at the University of Natal-Durban

in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Steven Solomon (UW-Madison student) will share his experiences from KwaZulu-Natal with Roots & Shoots, the Jane Goodall Institute’s environmental and humanitarian program. The Club has assembled students of all backgrounds, and has cultivated a stronger service ethic on the university campus. Projects have been implemented to help improve communities in South Africa that have been characterized by a history of deprivation and impoverishment including:

Abalindi Welfare Society for the Orphaned, Disabled and Elderly

KwaMgaga High School in Umlazi Township

Township Awareness Tours and Clean-Ups

Sinethemba Boys Home for Street Children

AIDS/HIV Education and Prevention

 WHEN: Monday, October 28 from 7-8 pm

LOCATION: Memorial Union (check the TITU for room)

**Visit the Jane Goodall Institute's “Portraits” featuring Steven: ­

Sponsored by WUD Alternative Breaks Committee & The Morgridge Center for Public Service 

 Contact: Steven phone: 264.4287 or email [log in to unmask]



JANE GOODALL Over the last four decades, Dr. Jane Goodall’s studies in Gombe Stream National Park have shown the many striking similarities between humans and chimpanzees, which has made her one of the worlds best-known scientists. She has created the Jane Goodall Institute for wildlife research, education, and conservation, which has produced a worldwide network of individuals joined by their commitment to improving life on earth. In 2001, Dr. Jane Goodall received the “3rd Gandhi/King Award for Non Violence, presented by the World Movement for Non Violence at the United Nations. Dr. Goodall joined Nobel Laureates Kofi Annan and Nelson Mandela as the only recipients of this award honoring the legacies of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr.” (JGI website) “With Dr. Goodall’s words and example as guiding principles, the Jane Goodall Institute inspires hope for a brighter future” (2001 JGI World Report).

ROOTS & SHOOTS is the Jane Goodall Institute’s environmental and humanitarian program, founded by Dr. Goodall in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania in 1991. Roots & Shoots is a global network of clubs whose objective is to execute projects that serve humans, animals and the environment. Currently there are over 3,000 Roots & Shoots Clubs existing in over 68 countries.


The flexibility of the program complements the diversity of our membership by allowing each Roots & Shoots group to plan and implement projects based on its unique interests, resources, and community concerns. We hope to inspire each individual to show care and concern for all animals, the human community and the environment. We aspire to enhance understanding between individuals of different cultures, ethnic groups, religions, socio-economic levels and nations through our global communication network. Lastly, we aim to help young people develop self-respect, confidence in themselves and hope for the future. 


UNIVERSITY OF NATAL-DURBAN The first university based Roots & Shoots Club in KwaZulu- Natal, South Africa, which was initiated by a Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar, has assembled students of all backgrounds and is cultivating a stronger service ethic on the University of Natal-Durban (UND) campus. Projects varying from township tours and clean-ups with KwaMgaga High School students in Umlazi Township to socializing with elderly residents of the Abalindi Welfare Society have been implemented to help improve communities in our country [South Africa] that have been characterized by a history of deprivation and impoverishment.

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