Michael wrote:

>I have been wondering whether something is wrong with me because I am not
>hungry until between 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM in the day. I wake up about 6:00
>AM. I also eat my last meal at about 10:00 PM. This seems to me to be
>abnormal but it is how my hunger works and I feel OK with it. My lab tests
>show no problem with diabetes etc.

According to "The Warrior Diet," by Ori Hofmekler, your body is
simply following its natural rhythm.  Paleo folk, he says, ate
very little during the day---only small snacks of protein or
fruit to stave off hunger---then had a major meal to fullness in
the evening.  His book is subtitled, "How to Take Advantage of
Undereating and Overeating--Nature’s Ultimate Secret for Burning
Fat, Igniting Energy and Boosting Brain Power."

.:. Craig