This is a belated "thanks" to those who offered me advice a few weeks ago
when I wrote as a newcomer to this list, and also to those faithful ones to
this list who continually post positive, informative messages.

Since I first wrote in, my life has been beset by turmoil and I am hoping to
get back on track soon. Many (all?) of my problems have been caused by
myself and my responses to outside forces/influences (unreasonable boss,
ungrateful and sometimes mean stepkids, lack of progress in business). The
more I read about paleo eating plans and lifestyles, the more I see the
connection between my nutrition or lack of, and my mood swings. And I think
it is getting worse, the older I get (early 40's now).

I fell off the paleo wagon about 10 months ago, and despite reading posts
here almost daily, have not been able to get back on. "Too difficult," I
thought, "in this modern world. Hard to find things to eat when out. Husband
and stepkids don't want to eat this way, and too tempting to find their
snacks about. Easier and faster to eat prepared foods."

Well, I think I'm paying for that easiness now. I've been awake for over an
hour (middle of the night here) and finally got up to try to make some sense
of my life. I remember feeling much better physically and mentally when I
ate paleo even for the six weeks or so that I was committed to it. Sure,
some comments about my strange diet, but how much easier to deal with them
than to face what my irrational behavior has brought me (blew up at boss in
meeting and quit, now can't find job that fits me nearly as well, started a
job yesterday and absolutely hated it, not sure of what my financial future

Can I blame this all on non-paleo eating? Not really, probably. I think I
need to work out some mental aberrations as well, but paleo is a good start.
I must get back on track.

Thanks for listening to these 4 a.m. ramblings ... hope it's not too
off-topic. I think some of you will relate to the paleo-mental health
connection, but some may not. I realize that paleo can't cure everything,
but it seems like a good place to start over.

(off topic here: have any of you heard of or practiced Constructive Living
concepts, which in many ways seem to fit in with the paleo lifestyle?)

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