I'm glad to hear everyone is alright.

--- Trisha Cummings <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Greetings All,
>     We had a "exciting" weekend - to put it mildly.
> Friday afternoon Amber
> friend Sarah set out kitchen on fire. Thankfully
> Amber did exactly what she
> was suppose to - call 911. 911 did not believe her
> after they ask her age -
> having followed directions when she realized that
> size fire needed the fire
> dept. - she had left the house to escape the smoke -
> the 911 guy sent her
> back in to describe the fire - and then still didn't
> believe her - and
> wanted her to throw flour on it - flour explodes
> when you get enough near
> fire and dispersed in the air. Finally he sent the
> fire dept. The kitchen is
> toasted. The whole first floor smoke damaged. But my
> baby kept her head - so
> we still have a house and healthy kids. The insurnce
> was great also - an
> hour after I called they had a cleaning man there
> and a contractor to boaed
> the windows and assess the damage - looks like new
> kitchen for us. What the
> fire didn't get the fireman destroyed - the windows
> - not just the glass
> panes , and screen and storm windows but the wooden
> frames also. I was
> pretty upset right afwe it happened but am what the
> kids consider amazingly
> cool - why not - the kids are fine and the house is
> replaceable.
>   We thought we had lost one of more of the cats but
> found them all by very
> late evening. The firechief had brought the dog out
> and handed it to Amber.
> The cats are scared but fine.
>    I am very proud of Amber. She kept her head and
> did all the right things.
> Brightest Blessings -
> Trisha

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