>I have read that the number one suspected cause of melanoma is severe
>sunburn as a child.

Which, if Murphy's Law holds true, is just the case as I was fried, and I
mean FRIED, several times as a child.  We're talking all but pan-fried,
turn-me-over-this-side's-done fried, burnt toast, Dori jerkey fried.

As I child of, like, you know, the 80's, I tried for a couple of years to
get a tan.  Then I figured, hell, if it takes an hour a day of doing NOTHING
in a lawnchair to get by the end of August what others would get in a week
then I'll just be white as a sheet, thank you very much.  Then Madonna came
along and made that cool so I'll give her credit for that. Not for her
music, but I digress.

Here's hoping an end to senseless sun worship has protected me from skin
cancer.  A healthy amount of sunshine and senseless sun worship for the sake
of a tan are two different things.

Dori Zook
Denver, CO

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