I think all blood types are sensitive to high grain diets.  I am type A also
and I do well with all meats.  Its the saturated fat with which I have the
problem.  Too much fat with the meat and I get queasy.  Grass fed is
great.....  Oliva

----- Original Message -----
On Sun, 1 Sep 2002, Aileen Keller wrote:
My conclusion is that type A's are
> even more sensitive than Type O's to today's high-grain diet

From: "Todd Moody"
 how do we know
that this isn't an *effect* of improper diet?  Also, does *less*
stomach acid necessarily  imply *insufficient* acid?  D'Adamo
admitted that we don't really know whether type A stomach acid
secretion might be suppressed by something else, I'm a type A, but
I have no problem digesting meats in substantial amounts.