Folk honestly speaking, Mugabi have the right to fight for the freedom of his country from the west' double standard and unjust attitude regarding their people's suffering in Zimbabwe and that of the long time and still suffering black African. Do they ever care when black Africans are suffering and dieing everyday? How long does it take the suppression, segregation and belittling of the black African in their own country took to end?

when shall they (the west) stop killing our people in their countries? who gave them the visa when they were entering Africa to steal our resources to build their own homes? why should they take our poverty for granted to make us kill our great people who doesn't agree to their policies for their own selfish reasons? why can't they leave us in peace after returning the stolen resources and pay for the compensations on the damages they couse to the continenet and her people. Regarding the above, I am with Mugabi's attitude on the land issue 100%. Comparing the long ago and still sufferings of the Black people and their countries in and outside Africa with that of the recent suffering of the white African in Zimbabwe, made Mugabi's resistance popular among the African presidents especially when the west wanted to take measures in rescuing their people. The question then stands, where were they when the blacks were suffering for such a long time?

The only problem I got regarding Mugabi's action is the fact that, the timing of the land issue was not right. I think, he should have start with this since the Brits stop saying for the compensation during the first year of blair's leadership, but not to wait till the opposition is getting more stronger and powerful enough to defeat his leadership. This to my believe, is a greed and hypocrisy on his side like other African presidents who will not fight till they are in trouble and threat from their own people.

All what happens in these African war zones are motivated by their own selfish leaders who run the country by tribal lines after sighting the end of their thrown. If the opposition in Zimbabwe was fairly treated, they would have win the election and I am positive that they will not let the land issue fade away, hence the lands were not the white people's but seized from the rightful owners during their in-human and morally repugnant behaviors of their fathers and grannies to the rightful owners the (black majority).

Now, He is making the innocent ones suffer and he doesn't care hence he and his ministers, high ranking civil servants are not going to feel the pain. Does it worths it? let him look back to see how suffering the people whose mandate puts him there.If he back off, he is not doing that for the sake of the west but for his own people who are in pain.Let him stop this selfish pride is not going to do any good for the country. let him step down and call politics a day, he have been their for such a long time, and enough is enough.


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