This is really a great news hence unemployments will drop to the lowest level.The developing progress am interested in more is the the special flight that is coming from Chzeck republic for the start of penetrating the eastern block to visit Gambia additionally the seasonal program of the Gambia tour. Tourism is however, one of the largest if not the largest employer and source to foreign currency earning when forming is dropping. Therefore tourism ministry and the co-operate organization responsible for the promotion of the sector should continued their effort to keep the tourism on track for the benefit of all Gambians. However, as one time hotel worker, I can feel for the seasonal workers and their off seasonal worries and problems ven at the time when seasonal savings can help others on the off seasonal period. How about, if tourism is to be collaps hence Sunwing hotel one of the first hotel was turned into robbles by the previous German owners to bringing businesses around that area at a stand still and employees have nowhere to turn to.

If people are hence fort giving their back to farming, there should be something to hold on. And this to my opinion, will have to be tourism, as it is the sector that can take the place of farming if managed and promoted effectively and clearly understood by the target group in their own languages, will generate economic stabilities for a period of time before tourism will some day become all year around sector benefitting the country and her people economically and equally, will benefit hotel owner and tour operator. Of course, there are lots of potentials for investment in the country but need some recognition on know-hows and these initiatives should be taking by experts and the government with NGOs to show and teach the people to taking the advantages in digging them out.

There should also be some negotiation with the hotel owners to letting the local vendors to selling their products in the hotels hence visiting these many hotels, you will see all that the local vendors are selling displayed inside the hotel. This will however, reduce the integration of the locals with tourist and this mean lesser income for the locals and bad for the tourist too who in some points, are there to see the real pictures of the people for themselves, will go home unhappy because they are sometimes made to be scared of the people outside the hotel to preventing them to leave the products in the hotel and to enjoy their holidays with the local as plained. Europe is more dangerious than Gambia whereby every now and then people will be attacked and equally harassed on the streets by beggers and alkaholic from experience, therefore, a poor country like Gambia if they are begged, what's the big deal if their countries are not without such events.

I wish the tourism authority can look closely into the kind disadvantages for the locals and help to remedy them before they are out of hand.


Better now than ever > cooperation and understanding featuring better Gambia and willingness of her people to commit intellectually

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