Hi Kat,

   I am immigrant, and I know I had problems becoming an American due to the
anti-German feeling after WWII. I do not thiunk where one is born should be
held against anyone - I was German becasue my mother counrty was overrun and
forceable declared Germans- and after WWII was over  she fled east Germany -
where she had ended up - When I was born in Germany - I was born a German -
she would rather I have been anything else - she kinda hates the Germans.
And she also was almost not allowed to become American. We truly need to
listen to the stories sometimes one is tarred as being evil and has never
had a chance.

      Trisha - who is very proud of her 1st generaation American - Amber

> I got into an argument about this with a friend of mine who thinks we
> should
> start restricting the number of Islamic immigrants into this country.  I
> reminded her I'm the daughter/granddaughter of two immigrants (Britain and
> Russia) and if either of them had been restricted from entering the US I'd
> not be here, and nor would the majority of us.  She said, yes, but we
> should
> only let those in who were pro-Americans, and my retort was, well  how in
> the hell are we supposed to know?  True, we could ask them their
> intentions
> and I know the INS does, but really, how do we know who's lying and who's
> telling the truth?  I'd certainly not want to keep the majority of them
> out
> because of a rotten few.  The majority of Islamic immigrants are
> pro-Americans and not pro-Al Queda.
> Kat
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Magenta Raine" <[log in to unmask]>
> Newsgroups: bit.listserv.c-palsy
> To: <[log in to unmask]>
> Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 9:28 PM
> > In a message dated 9/11/02 5:17:56 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
> > [log in to unmask] writes:
> >
> >
> > >
> > > > > When you receive this, please stop for a
> > > > moment and say a
> > > > > prayer for our ground troops in Afghanistan.
> > >
> > And what about all the innocent civilians we have killed there? Do they
> get
> > our prayers too?
> >
> > We are so arrogant here in the us.  The President's speech just lit a
> bigger
> > fire in my belly.
> >
> > Mag
> >
> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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