Title - Invading another country

Original note

[cpmensa] Justification for invading another country

 Let's see now. What is the justification for the U.S. to invade a
 foreign country.

 1. They have weapons of mass destruction
 2. They may use these weapons against our allies
 3. They have invaded soverign countries and occupied their terrority.
 4. They have refused to abide by U.N. Security Council
resolutions 444, 452, 465, 468, 446, 400, 469, 497, 501, 498, 500 and have
not  complied with the 4th Geneva Convention.

Good let's go invade! Iraq? Oh all of the above pertain to
Why not invade them too

A reply was

I prefer the rationale of W:

"The world's worst leader should not have the world's
worst weapons of mass destruction."

Because of this I support regime change in the USA.

           I was amused!!! The situation is really serious but some people
solutions are so original!!
