Oh, I agree Brit comedies are far funnier (at least to me) that the American
ones.  The only two American comedies I found truely funny were 'All in the
Family' and 'MASH.'

I love all of the below, except for 'The Young Ones,' which I've never seen or
heard of, really.  What's it about?


On Wed, 25 Sep 2002 22:11:28 +0800 Rayna Lamb <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Watching Blackadder vids got me through my most
> severe depression, Kat
> - hysterical even after the 10 millionth
> viewing.  ` -Goes Forth' is
> my favourite season - but I love them all.
> `Absolutely Fabulous',
> ``Red Dwarf' (colour on my telly went dicky for
> a while - so it was
> GREEN Dwarf for a time) and of course, Monty
> Python, all got me
> through some really rough times.  Also `The
> Vicar of Dibley' and
> `Birds of a Feather'.  Oh, oh, oh.... and I
> nearly forgot `Fawlty
> Towers', and `The Young Ones' (Ben Elton is
> GOD!!! - and he's married
> to a Perth girl - seriously.)
> Basically Brit comedy shows RULE!!!!!!