Just went to the group and had a look. Wow...thanks for posting these, Trish!

You've reminded me of the Bicentennial celebration I went to in Alexandria on
July Fourth in 1976.  We were living in Reston at the time, and my dad's
boss's friend had a Bicentennial party in his office building from which you
could see the Washington Monument and the fireworks.  It was incredible. The
only problem was, there were a lot of people and the air conditioning had been
shut off.  I ended up going up on the roof with my fiance to have a look, but
I don't remember it being any cooler up there in the hot July night.


On Wed, 18 Sep 2002 09:53:41 -0400 Trisha Cummings <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Good Morning,
>    I have placed the 9/11 pictures - from the
> ceremony here in Rosslyn on
> the CPAdults list on yahoo.  There is shot
> towards Rosslyn from DC - with
> out building (RCA) in the background, there is
> a great picture facing DC
> from the conference room (9th floor) shows
> Potomac River, Georgetown and GU
> spires as well as the National Cathedral in the
> background. Just as the flag
> was released this car drove past as tho it
> where planned, the bell was rung
> 189 times - once for each of the Pentagons
> fallen.
> Trisha