<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thanks for the many responses.  Mouth sores can be due to:
Deficiencies in zinc, riboflavin, Vitamin C, Vitamin K , Vitamin B12
dinking/eating citrus foods, taking too much Vitamin C, eating sweets
not rinsing your mouth after taking inhalers for asthma
herpes, bacterial infection, viral infection, gum or tooth problems (ask
for the oral cancer     screenings that are included in dental checkups),
candida albicans overgrowth.
Lichen Planus (inflammation of mucosal lining, determined by a biopsy,
probably related        to celiac, nothing to worry about)
food allergies

They are also caused my MANY auto-immune diseases and occur with
ulcerative colitis, IBS, Chrone's disease, class of arthritis called the
spondyloarthropathies (ankylosing spondylitis and Reiter's syndrome.
They are of a symptom of a general inflammatory process in the
gastrointestinal tract.  Technically any inflammatory process in the
gastrointestinal tract (which extends from the mouth to the anus)
contribute to these ulcers, so in Celiacs it might be intestinal
inflammation from wheat, barley, rye, oats, soy or corn that triggers a
general immune system response anywhere in the GI tract, including the
mouth, in the form of sores.  Think of the ulcers as the mouth end
warning just as diarrhea is the warning on the other end.

Things that help:
1)add l-lysine to your diet.  Available in tablets, Nature Maid makes
g.f. ones.  It's one of the 11 essential amino acids--your body can't
make it!--and it is often in short suppy in g.f. diets. ; 2)
takeprobiotics complex with each meal and NATRRUM MUR 30C, a homeopathic
remedy for those  kind of sores; 3) if you have food allergies a lab in
Fla.  does food allergy blood tests via the mail, and they have a money
back guarantee if you don't get better in 3 months!  Call  Lisa Durrow at
Better Health U.S.A. at  1-800-684-2231, ext: 6251.

Websites referred:
 www.betterhealthusa.com  for food allergy symptoms

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*Please provide references to back up claims of a product being GF or not GF*